2023-2024 Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Grade Reports

Midterm Deficiency grades are found on MyEWC and are alerts to those students whose work in any course is less than satisfactory. Students who receive deficiency grade(s) below a “C” should confer with the instructor(s) and their advisor for recommendations.

Final grade reports are prepared immediately following the close of each semester. Grades will be available on MyEWC which can be accessed on the Internet at ewc.wy.edu after the close of the semester.

Final Examinations

The last week of the semester is set aside for final examinations. Where possible, college-sponsored activities will not be scheduled during the final examination period. No final examinations will be rescheduled to accommodate travel arrangements that include leaving campus before your last scheduled exam. Requests to change a final exam must be approved by the Vice President for Academic and Student Services.


It is the policy of the College that the value of the student’s work is not determined entirely by what he/she may know upon examination. His/her grade is determined by daily application and results, as well as by periodic examination.

The student’s performance is evaluated according to the following system of grades:

Grade Value Definition
A 4 Exceptional
B 3 Very Good
C 2 Average or Acceptable
D 1 Poor
*F 0 Failure (Assigned as a grade for inadequate performance, nonattendance, or abandonment of class)
*X 0 Incomplete. A student who is unable to complete the coursework required in any designated course may receive an incomplete grade of X with an agreement between the student and instructor of the course. Such agreement(s) must be in the form of a “contract” between said instructor and student outlining the work and time designated for such coursework to be finished. These contract forms must be submitted to the appropriate Department Head/Program Director. The completion date designated by an instructor may not exceed one academic semester. If the coursework is not completed or graded within one year, the grade of X will revert to a grade of “F” or “W” at the discretion of the instructor.


Grade Value Definition
W 0 Withdrawal
IW 0 Institutional Withdrawal


Grade Value Definition
S,*U 0 Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory.
The grade of S is interpreted as a grade of “C” or above and the grade of U is interpreted as a grade below “C”.

S/U grades are intended primarily for on-the-job training courses and credit through institutional challenge examinations, credit through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), credit by Advanced Placement Examinations, DANTES, and courses which are offered for S/U grade only. Students should be aware that while credit may be awarded through such exams for Eastern Wyoming College requirements, not all institutions will transfer credit earned through these methods.

Neither the S nor U grade carry grade points and neither will be included in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. Both S and U grades will count as hours attempted and S grades will count as hours earned. Once issued, an S grade cannot be converted to a letter grade.

Grade Value Definition
*AU 0 Audit. Students must signify at the time of registration whether or not they are taking courses for audit. There will be no opportunity to change this decision after enrollment.

*For financial aid purposes, grades of F, X, W, IW, U, and Audit do not count toward successful completion of classes.

Grade Point Average

A grade point average (GPA) represents a weighing of all applicable credit hours and grades. For purposes of calculating the grade point average, grades are assigned the following point values: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. Courses in which a grade of IW, X, W, S, U, or AU is assigned are not used in calculating the grade point average.

A student’s GPA is derived by the following process:

First the point value of the grades the student earned in each course is multiplied by the number of credit hours for that course. The products (credit hours multiplied by point value) for all the student’s applicable courses are added together, and the total is divided by the number of applicable credit hours attempted. The result is the student’s GPA.

For example, a student carrying 16 credit hours earned the following grades:

  • 3 hour course A (4)
  • 3 hour course C (2)
  • 4 hour course B (3)
  • 4 hour course A (4)
  • 2 hour course B (3)

The computation for the grade point average is as follows:

3 hours X 4 = 12
3 hours X 2 = 6
4 hours X 3 = 12
4 hours X 4 = 16
2 hours X 3 = 6
16 hours 52 points
52 points divided by 16 hours = 3.25 GPA
  1. Semester Grade Point Average: The sum of all grade points earned in a semester divided by all applicable credits attempted.
  2. Cumulative Grade Point Average: The sum of all grade points earned at EWC divided by all applicable credits attempted at EWC. Only the credit and grade points earned in the course or last attempt of a repeated course are used in calculating the grade point average.

Academic Standing

  1. Coding
    A student either currently or formerly enrolled shall have on his/her record one of the following academic status codes:
    • 0 - Student not subject to probation or dismissal regulations; or a student who has attempted fewer than twelve cumulative credit hours.
    • 1 - Good Standing - A student who has attempted twelve or more cumulative credit hours and has a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00 or higher is making satisfactory academic progress and is in good standing.
    • 2 - Academic Probation
    • 3 - Academic Suspension
    • 4 - Academic Dismissal
  2. Academic Probation/Academic Suspension/Academic Dismissal

Academic Probation

Academic Probation is a warning that the student’s grades are below the academic standards of Eastern Wyoming College. A student whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation during the next semester in which he/she is enrolled. A student on Academic Probation will be allowed to re-enroll only after meeting with his/her assigned Academic Advisor. The student will be strongly advised to consider repeating classes in which he/she previously received either a “D” or “F”. Students on Academic Probation will be required to attend an academic success training session at the beginning of their first semester on Academic Probation. Students who do not attend this session forfeit their ability to file an initial appeal for Academic Reinstatement. Students on Academic Probation who attend classes at Regional Learning Centers should contact the Vice President of Douglas Campus.

If at the end of the probationary period, the student:

  1. Achieves a 2.00 Cumulative GPA or higher, he/she will be placed on Good Standing.
  2. Achieves a 2.00 Semester GPA or higher, but the Cumulative GPA is below 2.00, he/she will remain on Academic Probation.
  3. Fails to achieve a minimum Semester GPA of 2.00, he/she will be placed on Academic Suspension.

Academic Suspension

A student who is subject to Academic Suspension is not permitted to re-enroll until he/she has:

  1. Filed a Petition for Academic Reinstatement (obtained from the EWC Registrar’s Office) with the Vice President of Academic and Student Services (the student may be requested to appear for a personal interview with the Academic Reinstatement Committee), and;
  2. The Academic Reinstatement Committee may elect to reinstate the student or to suspend the student for the period of one semester. After being suspended for one semester, the student may return under the conditions outlined in “Academic Suspension”.

Academically Suspended Student Who is Reinstated

If the student, at the end of the reinstatement period:

  1. Achieves a 2.00 Cumulative GPA or higher, he/she will be placed on Good Standing.
  2. Achieves a 2.00 Semester GPA or higher, but the Cumulative GPA is below 2.00, he/she will be placed on Academic Probation.
  3. Fails to achieve a minimum Semester GPA of 2.00, he/she will be subject to Academic Dismissal.

Academic Dismissal

A student who has been academically dismissed is not permitted to enroll for one academic semester. After the non-attendance, he/she:

  1. Meets with the Vice President of Academic and Student Services to agree on a plan for how the student will achieve academic Good Standing.
  2. Once the plan is approved, the student may take no more than nine hours each semester from EWC all of which must be repeats of classes in which the student received either a “D” or “F” in previously.
  3. If, after two semesters under the agreed upon plan, the student has not achieved academic Good Standing, he/she will be dismissed for one academic year.
  4. After one year, the academically dismissed student may return to EWC but must follow steps 1-3 listed above. This will continue until the student has achieved academic Good Standing.

Academic Amnesty

Academic Amnesty permits students to eliminate one semester’s credits and grades from their record. The courses and grades will appear on the transcript with a notation that the student was granted Academic Amnesty and that appropriately marked grades are no longer part of the cumulative grade point average, and will not help satisfy EWC graduation requirements. All credits and grades taken during the semester will be subject to Amnesty including those courses which were successfully completed.

Only returning EWC students may petition for Academic Amnesty. Application must be made after the posting of grades for which Amnesty is sought but no later than the 90th calendar day of the subsequent Fall or Spring semester of enrollment. The petition shall be submitted to the office of the Vice President for Student Services. Academic Amnesty may be applied only once and is irrevocable.

Since Academic Amnesty may affect financial aid awards, students receiving financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to applying for Amnesty. The Petition for Academic Amnesty form can be found on the EWC website under Outreach Sites-Outreach Forms. Further information can be obtained in the EWC Registrar’s Office.

Student Classification

Student classification is based on the number of semester credit hours earned.

  1. Freshman
    1. less than 30 semester hours
  2. Sophomore
    1. 30 semester hours or more, or students with degrees

Honor Roll

Students who achieve high scholastic grades are honored by being placed either on the President’s Honor Roll or the Dean’s Honor Roll. To be considered for the honor rolls, the student must carry a minimum credit load of 12 semester hours and must receive letter grades of A, B, C, D, F, or S/U. The student can receive no semester grades of X (Incomplete) for honor roll purposes. In addition to the above criteria, the student must achieve a 4.00 GPA for the President’s Honor Roll and at least a 3.50 GPA for the Dean’s Honor Roll.