2019-2020 Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


All correspondence regarding admissions and other information should be addressed to:

Admissions Office
Eastern Wyoming College
3200 West C Street
Torrington, WY 82240
or call 307.532.8230
or 866.327.8996

Admissions Policies

Eastern Wyoming College is open to all students who meet the admission policies without regard to race, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, religion, political belief, veteran status, age, or disability.

It is strongly recommended that applicants provide the Admissions Office with an official transcript of their secondary school record, high school equivalency certificate, and/or transcripts from colleges previously attended. These credentials are important for purposes of applying for scholarships, academic advisement, and efficient transfer of credit hours from previously attended institutions. For Financial Aid eligibility requirements, please see the Financial Aid  section.

Admission Procedures

  1. New Applicants Who Have Not Attended Eastern Wyoming College:
    1. Application materials are available and should be submitted to the Admissions Office or on the EWC website. New applications are not accepted after the Friday before the start of the semester.
    2. Request a 6-7 semester high school transcript or High School Equivalency transcript be sent directly to the Admissions Office or send a final transcript following high school graduation.
    3. All applicants to Eastern Wyoming College are strongly encouraged, but not required to submit results of the ACT or SAT tests. Results are used only for academic advisement, career planning, and scholarship eligibility and are not used as admissions criteria.
    4. Applicants who are accepted will be notified as soon as their credentials are processed.
  2. Transfer Students:
    1. Eastern Wyoming College accepts credit from regionally accredited institutions of higher education that are on the American Council on Education’s Accredited Institutions of Post-Secondary Education list.
    2. Students must submit an application for admission to the Admissions Office or on the EWC website.
    3. Students must submit official copies of transcripts from each institution attended.
    4. The transcripts become the property of EWC and will not be released to a third party.
    5. Transcript evaluations are completed for students who are accepted for admissions. The transcript evaluation indicates which course work is equivalent to EWC courses.
      If a course is not identical to a course offered at EWC, but is a college-level course, the course is general transfer credit. Credit is received but it may not fulfill a EWC requirement.
    6. Course descriptions and/or course syllabi may be requested to further identify it’s equate to EWC courses.
    7. Only courses transferred in are listed on the evaluation and on the EWC transcript. Fifteen (15) credit hours of the degree program must be completed through EWC.
    8. Credit is not accepted for remedial course work although remedial courses will be considered for pre-requisites.
    9. Course work completed with a grade of “C” or better will be eligible for transfer.
    10. GPA does not transfer nor is it added to the EWC cumulative GPA.
    11. Credit from an institution on the quarter system is converted to semester hours (a quarter hour is two-thirds of a semester hour). Fractions of hours are not rounded up.
  3. Readmission of Former Students:
    Former EWC students who have attended another college/university since their last attendance (at EWC) are considered transfer students for admission purposes. The Admissions Office may require completion of a new Application for Admission, if non-attendance exceeds one year.
  4. Special Admissions:
    1. Eastern Wyoming College will provisionally admit individuals who, in the judgment of the College, can benefit from one of the College programs or courses.
    2. The individual must have written approval from the Vice President for Academic Services.
    3. Special Admissions students must meet the same assessment/placement test criteria for math, English, and reading as required of EWC college students.
  5. International Students:
    Eastern Wyoming College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students.
    1. Applicants must meet English proficiency and financial support requirements. International students whose native language is other than English must furnish scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A paper-based TOEFL score of 487 or a computer-based TOEFL score of 163 or an Internet-based TOEFL score of 57 is required for acceptance. Also required is completion of all sections of the Confidential Financial Statement form (available from the Admissions Office) including Statement of Guarantor and Bank Verification. For additional information regarding the admission of international students, contact the EWC Vice President for Student Services at 307.532.8257.
    2. If you are currently attending another college in the US and want to transfer to Eastern Wyoming College, please complete the EWC transfer form (top section only) and then send it to the international student contact at your current institution. Have them complete the bottom section of the form and send it to the Admission Office at EWC. The form is available upon request. Please contact the EWC Admissions Office at 307.532.8230.
  6. Military Credit:
    Eastern Wyoming College evaluates military services schools and occupational credit using the American Council on Education’s Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.

    EWC ensures servicemembers and their family members share in appropriately accredited postsecondary educational opportunities available to other citizens.
  7. Senior Citizens:
    The College will admit all persons who are residents of the State of Wyoming, and 60 years of age or older, to enroll without tuition charges in any credit courses offered by Eastern Wyoming College. Seniors are expected to pay for fees, books, and materials for each class in which they enroll.

Medical Requirement

EWC strongly supports the use of vaccines to protect the health of the individual student and the campus community in general. Although not required by EWC, it is strongly recommended that all students born after 1956 receive an MMR immunization.

NJCAA Medical Requirements

All NJCAA student athletes must have proof of primary health insurance coverage. Eastern Wyoming College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the eligibility rules of this organization govern the eligibility of all student athletes competing in intercollegiate athletics. See the NJCAA medical requirements at Eligibility Pamphlet.

Entrance Placement Testing

Prospective students must have an appropriate ACT or SAT score or take placement exams prior to registration and enrollment to aid in proper class placement and maximize academic success. Placement tests are administered in the Center for Testing and Career Services for a $20 initial fee. Placement exam results are valid for one year.

Students will be allowed to retest within a year of the original test date at no additional charge. Third and fourth retakes will be offered for a fee of $7.50 per test.

Please refer to the following course placement guide for additional information:

Veterinary Technology Placement Guide

Automatic Placement in Vet Tech Program

ACT: Math 21 or above
and ACT: English 18 or above
and ACT: Reading 21 or above
or HOAE Arithmetic (40 or above), Reading Comprehension (40 or above) and Vocational Adjustment Index (40 or above)
or Completion of all first semester VTAD certificate classes with a grade of “C” or better and placement into VTTK 1751 .

It is preferred that students takes the Health Occupations Aptitude Exam (HOAE) exam at Eastern Wyoming College. However, arrangements may be made for off-site testing on an individual basis. For more information about the HOAE, contact the Center for Testing and Career Services at (307) 532.8288.

Placement Guide

NOTE: All Next Generation ACCUPLACER Scores subject to change without notice 2019-2020

QAS = Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics AAF= Advanced Algebra and Functions


(Total Score Range: 200-300)
Math Class
0-13 10-15 Arithmetic 0-34 Arithmetic: 200-239 Adult Education Referral  
14-18 16-20 Arithmetic 35-80 Arithmetic: 240-275 MATH 0903 - Pre-Algebra Arithmetic   VTTK 1500 - Orientation to Veterinary Technology  
VTTK 1510 - Clinical Techniques I 
VTTK 1520 - Clinical Techniques II  
19-20 21-24 Arithmetic 81-120
Elementary Algebra
Artihmetic: 276-300
QAS: 221-249
MATH 0920 - Elementary Algebra 
MATH 1515 - Applied Technical Mathematics 
BADM 1005 - Business Mathematics I  
BIOL 1010 - General Biology I 
VTTK 1925 - Applied Principles of Chemistry for Veterinary Technology  
21-22 25-30 Elementary Algebra
QAS: 250-300
AAF: 225-249
MATH 0930 - Intermediate Algebra 
MATH 1000 - Problem Solving 
VTTK 1751 - Pharmaceutical Calculations  
CHEM 1000 - Introductory Chemistry 
COSC 1010 - Introduction to Computer Science I  
23-24 31-35 College Level
AAF: 250-300 MATH 1100 - Math for Elementary Teachers I 
(ACT 21)
MATH 1400 - Pre-Calculus Algebra 
MATH 1450 - Algebra and Trigonometry  
CHEM 1020 - General Chemistry I  
25 36-40
Placement in
MATH 1405 ,
MATH 2350 ,
MATH 2200 , will
be determined
based on SAT
score 36-40, plus
high school Math
transcripts and/
or appropriate
score on the
College Level
Math exam.
College Level
AAF: 290-300 MATH 1405 - Pre-Calculus Trigonometry    
26 College Level
AAF: 290-300 MATH 2350 - Business Calculus    
27 College Level
Placement in MATH 2200  will
be determined on ACT score
or SAT score plus high school
Math performance/transcripts
MATH 2200 - Calculus I    


Sentence Skills
(Total Score Range: 200-300)
English Class
Pre-Requisite for:
0-15 10-26 0-70 200-236 ENGL 0625 - English Foundations Grammar & Writing    
15-17 27-40 56-86 237-249 TECH 1005 - Applied Technical Writing   VTTK 1500 - Orientation to Veterinary Technology    
VTTK 1510 - Clinical Techniques I 
VTTK 1520 - Clinical Techniques II  
VTTK 1700 - Medical Terminology 
VTTK 1750 - Veterinary Pharmacology  
16-17 27-30 71-86 237-249 ENGL 1009 - Co-Requisite for ENGL 1010   BIOL 1010 - General Biology I 
GEOL 1470 - Environmental Geology  
18 31-40 87-120 250-300 ENGL 1010 - English I: Composition    
(Total Score Range: 200-300)
Reading Class
Pre-Requisite for:
0-8 10-20 0-25 200-217 Adult Education Referral  
9-20 21-29 26-75 218-247 HMDV 0500 - Bridge Reading    
21 30-40 76-120 248-300 No reading improvement required ANSC 2615 - Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals I/II 
BIOL 1010 - General Biology I 
GEOL 1470 - Environmental Geology 
VTTK 1500 - Orientation to Veterinary Technology 
VTTK 1510 - Clinical Techniques I 
VTTK 1520 - Clinical Techniques II 
VTTK 1700 - Medical Terminology 
VTTK 1750 - Veterinary Pharmacology  
VTTK 1925 - Applied Principles of Chemistry for Veterinary Technology 
VTTK 1950 - Applied Principles of Biology for Veterinary Technology  

Semester Tuition and Fee Schedule

All tuition and fees must be paid in full at the beginning of each semester and before the student attends classes. All checks should be made payable to Eastern Wyoming College. Payment plans may be available from the EWC Business Office for those students who qualify. Failure to pay tuition and fees, or have an approved payment plan in place before the student attends classes may result in a late payment charge. Students should be aware that unpaid/past due accounts may be turned over to a collection agency. Should this occur, no corrections to the student’s account will be made by Eastern Wyoming College. Tuition rates are subject to change without notice upon approval of the Wyoming Community College Commission. The EWC Board of Trustees reserves the right to change fees at any time.

Activity & Use/Technology Fees (Torrington/Douglas Campuses)

In addition to tuition costs each student will be charged an Activity and Use/Technology Fee of $38 per credit hour up to and including 15 credit hours for a maximum charge of $570 per semester.

Student Support
$5 (Supports scholarship funds)
Student Activities
$8 (Admission to sporting, fine arts, recreational, and leisure activities for all Torrington and Douglas campus students)
Instructional Support
$17 (Supports general educational costs)
Technology Fee
$8 (Support and upgrade technology infrastructure)
$38 Total Torrington/Douglas Campus Fees per Credit Hour

Activity & Use/Technology Fees (Outreach - Chugwater, Glendo, Glenrock, Hulett, Lusk, Moorcroft, Newcastle, Sundance, Wheatland, and Upton)

The Outreach Activity and Use/Technology Fee of $16 is charged on every registered credit up to and including 16 credit hours for a maximum charge of $256 per semester.

Outreach Use Fees per Credit Hour
$8 (Supports general educational costs, scholarships, and activities at the Regional Learning Centers that generate the fees)
Technology Fee
$8 (Support and upgrade technology infrastructure)
$16 Total Outreach Fees per Credit Hour

2019-2020 Activity & Use Fees, 2019-2020 Tuition

Credit Hours On-Campus
Activity & Use Fees
Activity & Use Fees
1  $ 30 $ 8 $ 8 $ 99 $ 148 $ 297
2 60 16 16 198 296 594
3 90 24 24 297 444 891
4 120 32 32 396 592 1,188
5 150 40 40 495 740 1,485
6 180 48 48 594 888 1,782
7 210 56 56 693 1,036 2,079
8 240 64 64 792 1,184 2,376
9 270 72 72 891 1,332 2,673
10 300 80 80 990 1,480 2,970
11 330 88 88 1,089 1,628 3,267
12 360 96 96 1,188 1,776 3,564
13 390 104 104 1,287 1,924 3,861
14 420 112 112 1,386 2,072 4,158
15 450 120 120 1,485 2,220 4,455
16+ 450 128 128 1,485 2,220 4,455

NOTE: Students pay either on-campus or outreach use fees depending upon their primary home location, but not both. On-campus includes Torrington and Douglas campuses, applies to face-to-face and online classes.

*The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) tuition rate is calculated at approximately 1 1/2 times the resident tuition rates. To qualify for the WUE rate, a student must be a resident of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Pacific Island U.S. territories (American Samoa, Northern Marianas, and Guam), and free-standing states (Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau). Nebraska residents also qualify for WUE tuition rates.

2019-20 Cost of Attendance (Budget based on estimated 2019-2020 costs)

The table below is an estimate of the average annual cost of attendance for a full-time student living on campus. The tuition and fees are based on a 15 credit hour semester. Estimated Cost of Attendance figures for financial aid budgets and awarding may differ from these figures.

  In-State WUE Out-of-State
Tuition and Fees $4,110 $5,580 $10,050
Housing and Meals (Standard Room, Eastern Hall) $6,320 $6,320 $6,320
Books and Supplies $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Transportation and Personal Expenses (Varies) $2,740 $3,140 $3,140
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST PER YEAR $14,670 $16,540 $21,010

Tuition/Fee Refunds

Tuition and Activity & Use/Technology Fees are refunded on a course-by-course basis, and are determined by the length of the course and the first meeting day of the course.

*Tuition: For courses which meet the full (16 week) semester, tuition is refunded in full for 14 calendar days beginning with the first day of the class. Thereafter, there is no refund of tuition. For courses which are offered for less than a full (16 week) semester, the tuition refund will be prorated.

*Activity & Use/Technology Fees: For courses which meet the full (16 week) semester, activity and use/technology fees are refunded in full for 8 calendar days beginning with the first day of the class. For courses which are offered for less than a full (16 week) semester, the activity & use/technology fees refund will be prorated.

*For students with federal financial aid please refer to Withdrawals and Return of Title IV Aid  in the Financial Aid section.

Special Charges

1. Placement Test Fee (per session) $20
2. Placement Test Retake Fee
(per test if taken within one year of the original test) First retake is free. Subsequent retakes are given with advisor approval only.
$7.50 per test
3. Additional Placement Test Fee
(per session) for B-Virtual Proctoring Option. B-Virtual proctoring will be offered to international students and others who do not have access to a testing center, prior to traveling to EWC. All fees must be paid prior to testing.
4. Audit Class Fee Same as for credit students
5. Health Occupations Aptitude Exam (HOAE) $20
7. CLEP Examinations (per test) + CLEP Fee $15
8. DSST Examinations (per test) + DSST Fee $15
9. Institutional Challenge Examination (per test) $20
10. Field Studies Fee Variable
11. Rodeo Fee $30
12. Workforce Development Fee Variable
13. Test Proctoring Fee for Out-of-State College (per test) $15
14. Graduation Fee* $50
15. Nursing - TEAS-V Exam $45
16. WorkKeys Assessment Fee/complete battery of three exams (Graphic Literacy, Applied Math & Workplace Documents) $55
17. WorkKeys Retakes $20 per individual exam

Fees, including course fees and lab fees, are subject to change without notice.

*The graduation fee is mandatory for all students regardless of participation in the graduation ceremony. Fee will be assessed once the intent to graduate process is complete. Should a student fail to complete the required courses to graduate, the graduation fee is not refunded and will be reassessed in the semester the student plans to complete the requirements for graduation.

Residence Hall Fees (2019-2020)

Standard Room-Eastern Hall (Option 1)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Total
$3,160 $3,160 $6,320
Private Standard-Room Eastern Hall (Option 2)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Total
$3,580 $3,580 $7,160
Suite-Eastern Hall (Option 3)
Fall Semester  Spring Semester  Total
$3,355 $3,355 $6,710
Private Suite-Eastern Hall (Option 4)
Fall Semester  Spring Semester  Total
$3,775 $3,775 $7,550
Semi-Private Suite-Lancer Hall (Option 5)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Total
$3,445 $3,445 $6,890
Summer 2019: $150 per week (Room only)
Private Suite-Lancer Hall (Option 6)
Fall Semester  Spring Semester  Total
$3,890 $3,890 $7,780
Summer 2019: $150 per week (Room only)

Fees include: Room, Board, Local Telephone Service, Basic TV Service, and Internet Service*

*Basic Internet service provided may not fully support some media-rich activities such as online gaming or video streaming.

The above listed fees are subject to revision each year. In addition, there is a refundable housing security deposit of $150 required with each housing application. The housing security deposit is refundable if there is no room damage and the student complies with all check-out procedures. Please contact the Director of Residence Life for more information at 307.532.8336.

Meal Plan Options (per semester)

17 Meal Plan: Seventeen meals per week
14 Meal Plan: Any fourteen meals per week plus $140 Munch Money
10 Meal Plan: Any ten meals per week plus $325 Munch Money

All students living in the EWC residence halls participate in the food service program with three meal plan options to choose from. 17 meals per week, 14 meals per week with $140 Munch Money or 10 meals per week with $325 Munch Money. Munch Money is a non-refundable, declining balance account that may be used to purchase food items in the Cafeteria or the Student Center. All meal plan options (including Munch Money) are per semester and do not carry over from one semester to the next.

Residence Hall Refunds

If an on-campus resident withdraws from college or moves out of college housing before the start of the semester or within the first 8 calendar days of the start of the semester, he/she shall forfeit 25% of the semester room and board charges assessed and 100% of the housing security deposit. Students moving out of college housing after 8 calendar days from the beginning of the semester shall forfeit 100% of the room and board charge assessment but will receive 100% of the housing security deposit if they officially checkout of their room with a Housing Staff member. (i.e., NO ROOM AND BOARD REFUNDS after 8 days). If, before midterm, there are circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control, an appeal regarding a refund may be made by submitting a written statement to the Director of Residence Life explaining why an exception should be made. No refunds will be made to students who do not officially withdraw or whose misconduct results in suspension/dismissal from on-campus housing and/or suspension/dismissal from the College.


Requirements for in-state residency for tuition determination for Wyoming Community Colleges are established by the Wyoming Community College Commission. The following regulations govern the classification of students as a resident or non-resident for the purpose of tuition assessment at each of the seven Wyoming Community Colleges.

    1. Individuals may be reclassified for the following term when facts indicate that a change in residency has occurred since the time of original residence classification or since their most recent appeal. Reclassification as an in-state student will not be applied retroactively to previous terms.
    2. A student assigned a non-resident classification may submit a request for reclassification to the Registrar. The student must submit the request and accompanying documentation on or before the first day of classes. A decision will be rendered within 20 days of the first day of classes.
    3. A student classified as a resident by one Wyoming Community College or the University of Wyoming will be considered a resident at all Wyoming Community Colleges.
    1. Residence classification shall be initiated for each student at the time the application for admission is accepted.
    2. The following students are considered non-residents:
      • Individuals who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents except as provided by C.2 or C.3 as follows.
      • Individuals holding a valid Nonimmigrant status in the following categories: F-1 and F-2; H-3 and H-4; J-1; K-1; and J-2; M-1 and M-2; Q-1; and R-2 visas except as provided by C.2 or C.3 as follows.
    The following students are considered Wyoming residents (accompanying documents may be required):
    1. A financial dependent or under the age of 24 with a parent, guardian, or spouse who lives in the State of Wyoming. (Provide most recent tax return for verification of dependent status. Additional documents may be required to show length of residency in Wyoming.)
    2. A graduate of a Wyoming high school. (High school transcript or diploma may be required.)
    3. A student who earned a high school equivalency in Wyoming and also qualifies for a Hathaway Scholarship. (Verification of Hathaway eligibility is required as well as completion of high school equivalency.)
    4. An active member of the Wyoming National Guard or U.S. Armed Forces member stationed in Wyoming, or the dependent of one. (Provide military enlistment papers or transfer orders.)
    5. A Wyoming resident who was temporarily absent from the State due to military service, attendance at an educational institution, or other type of documented temporary absence. (Provide military discharge (Form DD 214), instituion transcript/certificate, etc., and proof of residency.)
    6. A student who has been awarded resident tuition status at another Wyoming Community College or the University of Wyoming. (Submit documentation showing resident tuition status.)
    7. The spouse or financial dependent of an individual who is a Wyoming resident pursuant to these Guidelines. (Provide a copy of marriage license and verification of spouse’s residency.)
    8. A legal dependent under age 24 of a Wyoming community college graduate. (Provide graduate’s name, Wyoming Community College, graduation date, and verification of dependent status.)
    9. Has a permanent home in Wyoming. To determine if a permanent Wyoming home has been established, a variety of factors are considered and no one factor determines residence status (see Wyoming Community Colleges Application for Residency Reclassification form for examples). Documentation must show six months continual presence in Wyoming.
    10. A veteran or eligible individual, as described in 38. U.S.C. 3679 (c) (2), and is providing:
      1. A certificate or other evidence of the veteran’s or uniformed service members’qualifying service of 90 days or more in the uniformed services of the United States.
      2. Other documented evidence as outlined on the Wyoming Community Colleges Application for Residency Reclassification form.