2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog


The College holds one annual commencement at the Torrington campus in May. Although attendance is optional, all December, May, and Summer candidates are encouraged to participate in the ceremony.

Application for graduation and degree evaluations must be requested and completed by mid-November for Spring and Summer graduation, and by March for December graduation.

If students are taking classes from other colleges, they need to submit transcripts at the end of each semester to the Registrar’s Office at EWC in Torrington if they are using those classes to meet graduation requirements. Students who have an incomplete (X) and plan to graduate have one semester or the Summer session (whichever comes first) in which to finish the incomplete. If they do not finish the incomplete, the graduation date moves to the semester in which they finish the incomplete. A student who graduates “With Distinction” has met, and exceeded, most measures of academic success. With a cumulative grade point average at or above 3.5 on a 4.0 point scale, this student is considered a model of dedication and perseverance. A student who graduates “With High Distinction” has met, and exemplifies, the highest standards of academic rigor and scholarship. With a cumulative grade point average at or above 3.75 on a 4.0 point scale, this student sets the standard of academic excellence.

Exit Counseling for Student Loans

Students who have received Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized student loans while attending EWC must complete Exit Counseling online at studentaid.gov prior to graduation.

Outcomes Assessment

All candidates for Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate Degree in Nursing, Associate of Applied Science degrees and certificates are required to participate in an outcomes assessment activity prior to graduation. This targets the student’s specific program of study (major) learning outcomes and may include portfolios, exit interviews, papers, comprehensive exams, etc. 

Exit Assessment

All candidates for Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees are required to participate in a second assessment which is the Peregrine Exam, administered in the EWC Academic Testing Center during the student’s final semester before graduation. The Peregrine exam is a standardized test developed to test core educational skills. This assessment targets selected general education skills typically attained in college such as reading, writing, mathematics, and critical thinking.

Catalog Under Which a Student may Graduate

The catalog in use at the time a student first enrolls and completes credit classes offered through Eastern Wyoming College determines the degree or certificate requirements for graduation. However, returning students who have a two-semester break, not including the Summer term, must meet the requirements of the catalog in use at the time of readmission.

Students changing their program of study from their initial enrollment are expected to fulfill graduation requirements under the catalog in effect at the time they begin classes for that program.

If courses originally required in the old catalog no longer exist, the College reserves the right to substitute one course for another in any program or degree. Refresher classes may be required for some skill courses.

Second Associate Degree from EWC

  1. Students who wish to do so may earn more than one degree at Eastern Wyoming College if the areas of concentration are different.
  2. Students must consult an advisor when planning a degree. The advisor must approve the planned program of study for the additional degree.
  3. Students must complete the degree requirements listed in the current year’s catalog for the second degree.
  4. A student may receive as many different degrees at graduation as they have earned at that point.
  5. A maximum of 52 semester hours of credit from the first degree may be applied toward the second degree.
  6. For each degree earned, 15 credit hours must be unduplicated courses.
  7. Please review the Financial Aid  Academic Progress section regarding second degrees.

Expected Institutional Learning Outcomes for EWC Graduates

Eastern Wyoming College expects that its graduates will have an educational foundation that prepares them for a complex and rapidly changing world. The curriculum offered will allow the development of general education competencies necessary for participation in society as well as the development of specialized knowledge necessary within a given discipline.

Students who complete an Associate Degree at Eastern Wyoming College, by virtue of successful completion of their general education core requirements, will be able to:

  • Demonstrate effective communication through listening, speaking, writing, and responsible use of information resources.
  • Solve problems through critical analysis and quantitative reasoning.
  • Apply civic responsibility in a variety of social contexts.
  • Apply the scientific method to investigate behaviors or phenomena related to their content area.
  • Interpret the complexity of the human experience through the arts and culture.
  • Differentiate with respect to diverse perspectives on community, national and international issues related to their content area.
  • Identify ways to work with their individual personal beliefs, values, and biases to interact respectfully with others.