2024-2025 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Challenge Exams

Institutional Challenge Exams

Institutional Challenge examinations are available for some courses. Students showing proficiency by passing challenge examinations will earn credit up through the level of demonstrated proficiency. For details about challenge exam availability, the student should contact the appropriate Department Head/Program Director. Grades of S and U are given in all institutional challenge exams. Such credit is not included in a student’s grade point average (GPA). The grade of S is equivalent to C or better. Entries will be made on the student’s transcript only if the grade of S is obtained and only if the student enrolls at EWC in a degree program. Students should be aware that while credit may be awarded through such exams by Eastern Wyoming College, not all institutions will accept transfer credit earned through these methods. A fee of $20 will be assessed for each examination.

Advanced Placement Examination

Students showing proficiency by passing examinations such as College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program (CEEB-APP) or American College Testing-Proficiency Examination Program (ACT-PEP) may earn EWC college credit for demonstrated proficiency to a maximum of 15 semester credit hours. Grades of S and U are given in all examinations. Credit by advanced placement examination is not included in the student’s grade point average but counts as credit hours earned toward graduation. The grade of S is the equivalent of C or better (APP score of 4 or 5). Entry on the student’s transcript for credit by examination is made only if a grade of S is obtained and is noted as a grade obtained by examination. Students should be aware that while credit may be awarded through exams for Eastern Wyoming College requirements, not all institutions will accept transfer credit earned through these methods.

DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests)

Students showing proficiency in content areas as demonstrated by the DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) may receive EWC college credit. Students may earn credit through these exams by scoring at or above the minimum scores established by Eastern Wyoming College. A maximum of 15 semester hours of credit by examination may be earned toward EWC graduation requirements. DSST examinations are administered by appointment only in the EWC Academic Testing Center. For copies of the DANTES policy and information about scheduling an appointment, call 307.532.8288. A fee is assessed for each DSST examination (payable to vendor) plus a $15 administration fee (payable to EWC Business Office).

College Level Examination Program

Eastern Wyoming College administers subject examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). CLEP examinations may not be repeated within six months from the time the examinations were administered. Students may earn credit through the subject examinations by scoring at or above the score recommended by the Council on College-Level Examinations. Entries on the student’s records will state that the credits earned were by CLEP examinations along with the title of the examination. A maximum of 15 semester hours of credit by examination may be earned toward EWC graduation requirements.

Students may designate the institution they wish to receive their scores and should be aware that not all colleges have the same policies regarding acceptance of credit by examination. Therefore, students should confirm with the college or university to which they are transferring that the credit by examination will transfer. The transfer of CLEP scores to EWC from other accredited institutions will be determined by the Executive Deans of Student and Academic Services.

CLEP examinations are administered by appointment only in the EWC Academic Testing Center. For an appointment, call 307.532.8288. A fee is assessed for each CLEP examination (payable to vendor) plus a $15 administration fee (payable to EWC Business Office).

Eastern Wyoming College courses for which CLEP credit may be earned:

EWC Courses Semester Hours Required
CLEP Examination
(Minimum Computer-Based Testing Score)
BIOL 1010   4 Biology 50
CHEM 1020   4 Chemistry 50
CMAP 1200   3 Information Systems & Computer Apps 50
ECON 1010   3 Principles of Macroeconomics 50
ECON 1020   3 Principles of Microeconomics 50
EDFD 2100   3 Intro to Educational Psychology 50
EDFD 2450   3 Human Growth and Development 50
ENGL 1010   3 College Composition 50
ENGL 2205   3 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50
  8 German Language 50
HIST 1110   3 Western Civilization I 50
HIST 1120   3 Western Civilization II 50
HIST 1211   3 Hist of the US I: Early Colonization to 1877 50
HIST 1221   3 History of the US II: 1865 to Present 50
MATH 1400   4 College Mathematics 50
MATH 2200   3 Calculus 50
MKT 2100   3 Principles of Marketing 50
POLS 1000   3 American Government 50
PSYC 1000   3 Introductory Psychology 50
PSYC 2300   3 Human Growth & Development 50
SPAN 1010  & SPAN 1020   8 Spanish Language 50

CLEP exams may be subject to change, contact the EWC Academic Testing Center for current listing.